Our trip is complete!...home safe and sound in Jamestown

Saturday, June 5

Crossing the Desert

Today we crossed the Mojave Desert and arrived in the San Joaquin Valley – it sure felt like the “Promised Land”.

The landscape was both forbidding and fascinating….





Tomorrow we will spend the day visiting the Sequoia National Park and then on to Yosemite.

Friday, June 4

Leaving Las Vegas

We stayed last night in Boulder City, a 1930’s “model” city, conceived by the Federal government as an ideal town, to which the American people could look for hope of a better future.

For dinner, we took the short drive to Las Vegas, to try out the Buffet at the Golden Nugget.  A bit like “Old Country Buffet”

2010 CCtrip2

Thursday, June 3

Hoover Dam

We continue to make stops on the “Scientific Traveler Tour”.  Hoover Dam is certainly one of them.

3Jun (42) 3Jun (18) 3Jun (20) 3Jun (39) It is not only an engineering marvel, but to a girl from “the city” it reminds me of Radio City Music Hall…

3Jun (28) 3Jun (36) The inscription reads….

"Since primordial times, American Indian
tribes and Nations lifted their hands
to the Great Spirit from these ranges
and plains. We now with them in peace
buildeth again a Nation."

Lunch on The Mother Road

We stopped for lunch from the Grand Canyon to Boulder City on a portion of Route 66.

3Jun Mr DZ The rest rooms….

3Jun (8) elvis and Marilyn

Fossils and Condors

One of the most enjoyable aspects of visiting a National Park is attending a Park Ranger program.  the Park Rangers are always knowledgeable and enthusiastic.

Today we started the morning off attending a Fossil Walk program and we learned all about fossils in the Grand Canyon and found a number of them ourselves.  Ranger Pat said looking for fossils is like looking for mushrooms – at first you think you can’t find them or identify them at all and then after you see one or two, you can spot them all over. 

This afternoon, we attended the Condor Talk.  Ranger Nicole was able to deliver a Condor during her talk.  It flew above us and we could all identify the bird by its markings just as she had explained.

2Jun (10) Resting on the Trail!

Wednesday, June 2

The Grand Canyon

It’s pretty Grand!  The light is always changing and gives us a grand show.

We are staying in the Bright Angel Cabins – 1930’s cabins designed by Mary Jane Coulter.  Our cabin has a with partial view of the rim.  As we walked the south rim trail, we heard many languages spoken along the way!

1Jun (148) 1Jun (151) 1Jun 1Jun (3) 1Jun (88) 1Jun (105) 1Jun (127) 1Jun (142)

Meteor Crater in AZ

As part of the Scientific Traveler Tour, we stopped at a 50,000 year old meteor crater.  A huge iron-nickel meteorite estimated to have a diameter of 150 feet and weighing several hundred thousand tons struck the earth and left a giant bowl shaped cavity – 4000 feet across and 700 feet deep --

1Jun (24)1Jun (26)

Traveling to the Grand Canyon

It took us seven hours to travel from Santa Fe to the Grand Canyon – Interstate Highway all the way.  Lots of interesting sights along the way

1Jun (84) 1Jun (9) 1Jun (29) 1Jun (44) 1Jun (52) 1Jun (60)  1Jun (65) 1Jun (71) 1Jun (81)

Monday, May 31

A Walk Along Canyon Road

When I was in Santa Fe 34 years ago I remember walking down Canyon Road.  It was full of galleries and artist workshops – it still is, but pricier and more commercialized.  But alas this is the story of Santa Fe itself.  It still is, however, an enchanting and enjoyable little city.  Today, last day of the Holiday weekend, it is quieter and less crowded – much better.

At the end of our canyon road walk, we walked along the Santa Fe River and came across these wooden carved figures….

2010 CCtrip1 After a refreshing ice cream soda, we visited the Georgia O’Keefe Museum and the the New Mexico Museum of Art – both great.

A photo inspired by Georgia O’Keefe

31May (26) On the food front – we began the day with another Jane and Michael pick – the Plaza Cafe; we plan to end our day dinner at El Faro on Canyon Road.

Bandelier National Monument

After taking a walking tour of Historic Santa Fe, we drove to Los Alamos. 

30Maypm (6) 30Maypm (3) 30Maypm (11)

First we visited the Bradbury Science Museum in the town of Los Alamos (part of the “scientific traveler tour”).

30Maypm (52)

After that went to Bandelier National Monument – wow!!  cliff dwellings, kivas, and petroglyphs!

and a hour walk around the slopes of canyons and mesas30Maypm (35) 30Maypm (36) 30Maypm (31) 30Maypm (26) 30Maypm (18) 30Maypm (20)

Sunday, May 30

Santa Fe NM

30May (14)

We arrived in Santa Fe, NM yesterday afternoon.  Whizzed thru OK, TX (stopped at Dyer’s BBQ for lunch) and saw the beautiful scenery of NM – buttes, mesas, sage, wildflowers.  I visited Santa Fe 34 years ago with Ginger.  It is more crowded and commercialized but still retains a certain charm.  We are staying at the Hotel St Francis right near the Plaza.  Last nite we ate at the Cafe Pasqual where we ate at the community table – lots of fun and great food.  Today we take a walking tour of Santa Fe and drive to Los Alamos to see Bandelier NM and Bradbury Science Museum.

Photos to be posted tomorrow…