Our trip is complete!...home safe and sound in Jamestown

Friday, May 28

Cottonwood Falls

We stayed at Cottonwood Falls, KS, Thursday nite in preparation for our visit to the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve in Strong City, KS.  I was inspired to visit this wonderful part of the National Park Service after our book group read “The Worst Hard Times” by Timothy Egan.

Kansas did not disappoint - it was wonderful.  Here are a few pictures

27May (42) The Grand Central Hotel (we stayed one night here)

27May (39)

Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve photos -

28May (48) 28May (27) 28May (15) 28May (7) 28May (19) 28May (21)  28May

For those of you who are interested, a few statistics– we have traveled thru RI, Ct, NY, PA, OH, IN, IL, MO, KS, OK.  Now we are in OK – just passing thru.  Tomorrow we will be in Santa Fe, NM – passing thru TX.

We have eaten our way across the US using Jane and Michael’s “RoadFoood” – Henry’s, Goody- Goody Diner, and Kumback Lunch – all memorable!

An Arch Collage

Arch collage The Arch is bigger than you might image and can be seen from at least 2.5 miles away along the highway.

Thursday, May 27

St Louis and Beyond

Way too many sights to cover this evening, but the highlight was the Arch and the Goody-Goody Diner (see Roadfood.com)

27May arch

Wednesday, May 26

Effingham, IL

We have driven over 1100 miles so far and have watched the country go from seaside to eastern mountains (PA) to rolling hills (OH) to the beginning of the plains (IN and IL).  Tonight we spend the night at an Interstate junction of I-70 and I-57 in IL.  Definitely farm country.

26May (33)

Last night Jonathan gave us an impromptu concert on his Allen theater organ.  Thank you Buck, for making this stopover a wonderful start to our trip.

25May (17)

We said farewell to new friends this morning – Carmel, Jonathan and David and made quick stop in Punxsutawney…

2010 CCtrip we finished today’s journey at the Firefly Grill


Tuesday, May 25

First Day on the Road

Driving along Interstate 80 in western PA, we see many miles of beautiful farmland.  What kind?…corn maybe.  Also dead animals on the road – deer and possibly a bear.  We are passed by many large trucks.  some carrying pigs.  At our last rest stop we meet up with pig trucks.  Where are they going?   On the way to Big Run, we pass several horse and buggies.

Thanks to Buck Cameron, Carmel brother, we are spending our first night on the road with Jonathan and Carmel Petty and Jonathan’s son, David.  Carmel has made us a wonderful meal and we are enjoying wonderful conversation.


Monday, May 24

Loading up the car…

A Toyota Yaris (no Vette, no RV) rented from Hertz/AAA is getting set to go Tuesday morning.  We are loading stuff…wedding dress, veil, diploma, sword(?), ice chest, chairs, wine, beer,etc.

We’ll be ready to roll early am Tuesday morning.