Our trip is complete!...home safe and sound in Jamestown

Monday, May 31

A Walk Along Canyon Road

When I was in Santa Fe 34 years ago I remember walking down Canyon Road.  It was full of galleries and artist workshops – it still is, but pricier and more commercialized.  But alas this is the story of Santa Fe itself.  It still is, however, an enchanting and enjoyable little city.  Today, last day of the Holiday weekend, it is quieter and less crowded – much better.

At the end of our canyon road walk, we walked along the Santa Fe River and came across these wooden carved figures….

2010 CCtrip1 After a refreshing ice cream soda, we visited the Georgia O’Keefe Museum and the the New Mexico Museum of Art – both great.

A photo inspired by Georgia O’Keefe

31May (26) On the food front – we began the day with another Jane and Michael pick – the Plaza Cafe; we plan to end our day dinner at El Faro on Canyon Road.

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