Our trip is complete!...home safe and sound in Jamestown

Thursday, June 3

Fossils and Condors

One of the most enjoyable aspects of visiting a National Park is attending a Park Ranger program.  the Park Rangers are always knowledgeable and enthusiastic.

Today we started the morning off attending a Fossil Walk program and we learned all about fossils in the Grand Canyon and found a number of them ourselves.  Ranger Pat said looking for fossils is like looking for mushrooms – at first you think you can’t find them or identify them at all and then after you see one or two, you can spot them all over. 

This afternoon, we attended the Condor Talk.  Ranger Nicole was able to deliver a Condor during her talk.  It flew above us and we could all identify the bird by its markings just as she had explained.

2Jun (10) Resting on the Trail!

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