Our trip is complete!...home safe and sound in Jamestown

Wednesday, June 9

Walking with John Muir

We spent a day in the Yosemite Valley.  Although 2010 is a far cry from the 1870’s, you can almost imagine that you are walking with John Muir himself.

We took an “easy” walk from the Yosemite Lodge (where Barbara and I stayed a few years ago in March or April – can’t remember which month – it was much emptier then) to the Yosemite Lower Falls.  There has been a lot of snow this past winter and spring melt off has been rapid, so the Falls are very full…

7Jun (70) We then took a shuttle bus to the Mirror Lake Trail (also “easy”, but longer).  Because of all the snow and runoff and recent warm weather, the lake isn’t much of a mirror, but the walk was wonderful nevertheless.

7Jun (41) Even with crowds, the shuttle buses, and souvenir shops – it’s still easy to imagine you are walking with John Muir…

7Jun (29)

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