Our trip is complete!...home safe and sound in Jamestown

Monday, June 14

Almost there…

We left Crater Lake early this morning and drove thru fog and snow – the most beautiful scenery we’ve seen so far.

We headed for Portland and Powell’s Bookstore…how could we miss it?  Ralph picked up a book on search theory … “Searching for Shondra”… for a long time they looked in all the wrong places.  I bought some easy reading fiction.  As a last stop before we get to Seattle, we decided to make one more Jane and Michael Roadfood stop…at Otto’s Sausage Kitchen.  We had a few grilled on the sidewalk.

It’s now on to Seattle and daughter, and son-in-law and granddaughter Julia.

By the way for you who are paying attention…I’m updating this on the road and the Google map on top of the blog is not updating correctly…I hope to get it fixed this evening…pictures of family will follow

1 comment:

  1. Ah, your journey is almost complete. (Will touching your toe in the Puget Sound complete it, or hugging Julia?) Congratulations. See you in a few minutes! Love, Daughter
