Our trip is complete!...home safe and sound in Jamestown

Tuesday, May 25

First Day on the Road

Driving along Interstate 80 in western PA, we see many miles of beautiful farmland.  What kind?…corn maybe.  Also dead animals on the road – deer and possibly a bear.  We are passed by many large trucks.  some carrying pigs.  At our last rest stop we meet up with pig trucks.  Where are they going?   On the way to Big Run, we pass several horse and buggies.

Thanks to Buck Cameron, Carmel brother, we are spending our first night on the road with Jonathan and Carmel Petty and Jonathan’s son, David.  Carmel has made us a wonderful meal and we are enjoying wonderful conversation.



  1. So, what's the wedding dress for? I assume that you're going to an wedding. Or are you renewing your vows?????

    RI broke a temperature record today -- high 90's -- but it was only in the 80's here in Jamestown. HEKM

  2. neither - we can no longer serve as a long term storage facility - we are returning to owner
