Our trip is complete!...home safe and sound in Jamestown

Sunday, October 18

Our Plans so far...

From mid May to mid June 2010 we plan to drive cross country from our home in Jamestown, RI to Abby and Dave's home in Seattle, WA.  We will rent a car in Rhode Island and drop it off in Seattle.

Our first night on the road will be spent at Carmel and Jonathan Petty’s house in Big Run, PA – NE of Pittsburgh.  Carmel is Buck’s sister and Buck is my cousin Elysse Zelenko’s husband.  

We will then take a week to drive from Jamestown to Grand Canyon -- stopping at the Kansas Tall Grass Prairie , Santa Fe, New Mexico and other interesting places along the way.

Our plans so far are to stop at the Bright Angel Cabins at Grand Canyon Village, Death Valley, and Wawona Hotel in Yosemite.

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